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Mitta Mountain Review (Mar 2019)

The Mitta Mountain Rally was run on March 2nd out of the township of Mitta Mitta in the Victorian high country. The event was extremely hot and dusty with outside temperatures in the mid 30's, making it very uncomfortable inside the car. Anyone of the top 10 seeded cars could have taken out the event, making it one of the most competitive state championship rounds in many years.

Heat one was made up of 4 special stages, and an unsettled start saw Tristan and Rob just 6th fastest on the opening stage, proving just how competitive the event was. SS2 saw them pick up the pace a little with a 3rd fastest and up to 3rd outright, but it wasn't without it's issues due to dust in the car, and fuel surge towards the end of the stage as they were running very low on fuel and had to turn the anti-lag off. After a service they went out for the remaining 2 stages of the heat and managed a 2nd and 3rd fastest respectively, finishing heat one in 2nd.

Heat two comprised of just one stage, 55km long and very technical. Tristan and Rob started off strong, but dust proved to be an issue as they pulled 1 minute 20 out of the car in front, so the last 10 km of the stage was blinding dust. They still managed the 2nd fastest time however, finshing both the heat and the rally in 2nd outright. So it was a good haul of points for the NSW state championship, and with the winner of the event (Glenn Raymond) opting out of the VIC championship, meant that Tristan and Rob picked up maximum points for the VRC, so they may look at doing some additional rounds of the VRC as a result.

Round 2 of the NRWRC is the Caves Classic Rally on April 13th and is held in the forests around the Oberon and Jenolan area. Tristan and Rob will be looking to find some extra speed in order to go one better this time.

Plans For 2019 (Dec 2018)

Tristan's plans for 2019 are to do the NSW State Rally Championship, as well as ARC2 for selected events of the Australian Rally Championship, in the hope of taking a finalist spot for Rally Australia in November. In addition to this, he will be co-driving for his father in a number of club events throughout the year.

He is currently busy trying to prep his car in time for the first NSWRC round, the Mitta Mountain Rally on March 2nd.

2018 Season Review (Dec 2018)

The 2018 season didn't go quite as planned, but Tristan did finally get behind the wheel of his new Evo 9 for a handful of events. The debut event for the car was the Bega Valley Rally on the June long weekend. With no seat time in the car other than driving the car to the wheel aligner, the rally was about getting a feel for the car, and that he obviously did, as by SS4 he was setting fastest stage times. He was running 2nd outright when towards the end of SS10 Tristan hit a concrete drain hidden in the grass on the inside of a bend and ripped the right hand lower control arm out of the cross member. He limped the car the remaining 2km to the end of the stage, still winning the stage in the process, but it was game over. Still, it wasn't all bad, as Tristan finally got to drive his new car and won a number of stages in the process, showing the potential of the car.

The next event was the Narooma Forest Rally in July. This event you had the option of running pacenotes or road book, Tristan chose to run the event on the road book and still managed an impressive 2nd outright amongst a number of competitors running on notes.

The final event Tristan did for the year was the final round of the NSW State Championship, the Monaro Stages near Cooma in November. Up against the best drivers in NSW, that had been running the NSWRC all year, Tristan managed 2nd outright, just 7 seconds off the leader. Along the way Tristan won 2 of the 5 stages run and felt he could pull the time back to win the event, had it not been for the cancellation of the last 5 stages of event due to severe weather conditions.

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